9 Common French Bulldog Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

The distinctive features that make French Bulldogs a popular breed predispose these lovable furbabies to several health issues. If you’re considering adding a Frenchie to your family, it’s helpful to research their genetically-linked health issues. You’ll want to know what to anticipate concerning chronic conditions and medical expenses. That way,  you’ll be ready to decide … Read more

My dog ate Weed. What Should I do?

Key Takeaways Weed, the colloquial term for marijuana, is the dried parts of the Cannabis plant which has long been used in herbal medicine and textiles. In modern times, weed is typically used for medicinal or recreational purposes. With more and more states in the US legalizing the use of Cannabis, we see more cases … Read more

My Dog Ate Oreos and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: Face it. For most of us, Oreos are really yummy!  But what if your dog tries a sample when you’re snacking on a plate of these delicious cookies and step out of the room for a moment? Should you be concerned? If Fido isn’t a miniature-breed dog and only gets one bite or … Read more

My Dog ate Charcoal. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways Most homes have charcoal, whether for grilling or composting or one of the other myriad uses, and most pooches aren’t known for their discerning palates. During grilling season, it can be easy for a pooch to sneak something from the grill, and if it’s charcoal, that could be a problem for your pooch.   … Read more

My Dog ate Cigarettes. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: We’re all familiar with the warning about cigarette smoking and tobacco chewing being bad for the health of us humans, but what about our dogs?  While we don’t need to worry about our furry friend smoking, they may be at risk of munching on a cigarette butt while out on a walk or … Read more

My Dog ate Coffee Grounds. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways While caffeine is a great pick-me-up in the morning for us humans, it is not tolerated by our canine companions.  Canine metabolisms are different from ours, and many human foods are toxic, including coffee grounds.  There are other products that contain caffeine as well as coffee grounds, including tea, cola and sodas, chocolate, … Read more

My Dog ate Aluminum Foil. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways I doubt you think of aluminum foil as a tasty treat, but your dog may have other ideas, particularly if it’s just been wrapped around some roast beef.  Aluminum foil, also known as aluminum foil or tin foil in some parts of the world, is commonly stolen from the trash or off the … Read more

My dog ate Wasabi. What Should I do?

Key Takeaways Finding true wasabi with your sushi is rare, as most of the green pastes that come with sushi are imitation wasabi. Nevertheless, they still taste very similar. True wasabi is a special Japanese horseradish. Related to other horseradishes and mustards, it’s traditionally prepared by grating the stem and then mushing it into a … Read more

My dog ate a Condom. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways While the thoughts of your beloved pooch munching on a used condom are rather disgusting, it does happen with some dog breeds being less discerning about what they eat than others.  While we often don’t find out the cause of our pooches eating nasty or unusual non-food items, if it’s a rare occurrence, … Read more

My Dog ate Onions. What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways Onions are a staple in most cuisines, but did you know that they can make our dogs super sick? Onions (Allium cepa) belong to the Allium family of herbs, which contains over 90 species. All parts of these plants are toxic to dogs, whether raw, cooked, or even dried. Onion is commonly found … Read more

My Dog Ate Maggots and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You and your pooch are at the dog park. While he’s enjoying an off-leash romp through the field, you see him stop, sniff, and start munching on something. Curious, you head over to investigate… You find the remains of an animal that’s teeming with maggots. EEW! Should you be concerned? Fortunately, maggots are … Read more

My Dog Ate Chocolate Chip Cookies and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You just finished baking a tray of chocolate chip cookies and left them to cool on the counter. When you step out of the room, your four-footed friend sneaks into the kitchen. Naturally, the scent of fresh-baked goods is irresistible… Whether they’re store-bought or homemade, chocolate chip cookies are a favorite treat for … Read more

My Dog Ate a Sock and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You walk into the room and notice your pooch playing with a sock that he found on the kid’s bedroom floor. Although he seems to be having lots of fun, you wonder if you should be concerned. If he swallows all or part of it, the answer is yes. Some playful pooches are … Read more

My Dog Ate Skittles and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You recently opened a package of Skittles candies to enjoy a sweet treat. After consuming part of the package, you head to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. While you’re out of the room, your dog snatches the open package and begins to munch down the colorful candies. Should you be … Read more

My Dog Ate Spicy Food And Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: It’s fun to sample foods from other culturesIf you have an iron-cast stomach, that can include spicy foods. But should you let your curious furbaby try a small taste? What happens if he sneaks a sample when you step away from your plate? While the chemicals that make peppers spicy aren’t toxic, they … Read more

My Dog Ate a Diaper and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You just brought your newborn baby home from the hospital and had to change her diaper. When you set it aside to put on a new diaper, your dog snatches the dirty item off the changing table and starts tearing it apart. Disgusting! Should you be concerned? Absolutely! Diapers are hazardous if your … Read more

My Dog Ate An Apple Core and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: If you have a dog like mine, he’ll eat just about anything. Dogs are that way. They investigate their world with their mouth and nose. Given the chance, they’ll raid your trash can. So, if Fido grabs an apple core and gobbles it up, you shouldn’t be surprised. But should you be concerned? … Read more

My Dog Ate Silica Gel and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: Introduction You opened a package of beef jerky and the silica packet that was inside tumbled on the floor. Before you could pick it up, your four-footed friend rushed over to investigate. Naturally, Fido found the scent of meat irresistible, so he gobbled the package up. Should you be concerned? Fortunately, silica isn’t … Read more

My Dog Ate a Paper Towel and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

Key Takeaways: You come home one day and find a shredded paper towel all over the kitchen floor. Naturally, your dog looks guilty, and you notice some material on his bottom lip. Should you be worried? While paper towels aren’t toxic to dogs, they can be very dangerous for your furbaby to eat. Because these … Read more

My Dog Ate Another Dog’s Poop and Seems Fine – What Should I Do?

 Key Takeaways: You’re at the dog park with your four-footed friend, and you notice him noshing on a pile of poop. Eww! Should you be concerned? Although it’s a disgusting habit, poop-eating(coprophagia) is rarely dangerous for your dog. However, another dog’s feces can contain parasites or bacteria that can make your dog very sick.  If … Read more