My dog ate a Mushroom and seems fine. What should I do?

Key Takeaways: You let your furbaby out in the yard and notice him bending over to graze. When you check the area to see what he ate, you observe a mushroom stem without the cap. Calling your dog over, you sweep his mouth and find mushroom remnants. What should you do? While not all mushrooms … Read more

My dog ate Tylenol and seems fine. What should I do?

Key Takeaways: Our canine companions are curious by nature, and they use their mouths to explore their world. Unfortunately, that means they sometimes ingest harmful substances. If your dog snarfs a Tylenol capsule, what should you do? Dogs are extremely sensitive to acetaminophen, the active ingredient in Tylenol. If they consume a capsule or other … Read more

My dog ate Avocado and seems fine. What should I do?

Key Takeaways: You’re prepping guacamole and step out of the kitchen for a few minutes. When you return, the bowl is on the floor, and your dog is licking his chops. What should you do? Avocados contain a chemical called persin, which kills fungus and can make your furbaby sick. Additionally, if Fido swallows the … Read more

10 Common Health Issues in Senior Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking golden retrievers heart with a statoscope

As dogs age, they’re prone to developing certain conditions. Some arise due to degenerative changes, while others are the result of slowing body processes. The most common health issues in senior dogs include: This article will review common health problems in senior dogs and discuss symptoms, causes, prevention, treatment, and more. After that, I’ll list … Read more

4 Common Thyroid Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet is taking blood test from yorkie terrier in order to check his thyroid

The thyroid gland in dogs produces hormones that help to regulate metabolic processes in the body. Unfortunately, the glands can malfunction and cause different thyroid-related problems.  The most common thyroid issues dogs may face include: In this article, we’ll review the common thyroid problems in dogs and discuss symptoms, causes, prevention, treatment, and more. After … Read more

6 Common Back Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking shih tzus back

Dogs are vulnerable to various back problems during their lifetime. Understanding common issues can help you take the best possible care of your furbaby so he can move, play, and enjoy a good quality of life. Common back problems in dogs include: In this article, we’ll look at the common causes of back problems in … Read more

9 Common Stomach Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking dachshunds stomach

 A study of the prevalence of digestive disease among dogs examined in 2013 at the Cairo University Veterinary Teaching Hospital revealed that 56.5 % of the dogs had digestive issues. Digestive issues are common in dogs, and many conditions can affect the stomach. The most common stomach problems in dogs include: In this article, we’ll … Read more

6 Common Ear Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking labradors ears

Approximately 7-16% of cases veterinarians see in their clinics involve ear conditions. Various factors can cause ear problems in dogs, so it’s best to consult with your veterinarian when your dog develops any of the issues we’ll discuss below.  The most common ear problems in dogs include: In this article, we’ll look at the ear … Read more

7 Common Breathing Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking pugs breathing

Breathing issues are relatively common in dogs, and they can be life-threatening or signify an underlying health condition. Understanding the major respiratory conditions that affect dogs can help you recognize problems and seek help early.  Some common breathing conditions in dogs are: In this article, we’ll walk through conditions that can cause breathing problems in … Read more

7 Common Heart Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking yorkies heart

About 10-15% of dogs suffer from some type of cardiac disease. While some conditions are congenital or present at birth, most (95%) of heart problems are acquired during a dog’s lifetime. Heart problems that commonly affect dogs include: Common Heart Problems Unfortunately, dogs suffer from heart disease almost as much as humans. By understanding the … Read more

6 Common Hip Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking labradors hips

Because dog hips have moving parts, the joints can be vulnerable to various problems. Fortunately, most are treatable if you know how to recognize them early. Common hip conditions in dogs include: In this article, we’ll go through common hip conditions you might see in your dog so you understand the signs, preventative measures, and … Read more

11 Common Skin Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking pugs skin

Skin problems are common in dogs, and they can arise from various health conditions or illnesses. While it’s best to let your veterinarian diagnose the particular issue, it helps to understand the most common skin conditions in dogs.  The most common skin problems include: In this article, I’ll walk through the skin conditions above and … Read more

 7 Common Eye Problems in Dogs [+Signs, Causes & Prevention]

vet checking chihuahuas eyes

Like human eyes, dog eyes are vulnerable to various problems that impact their vision. Fortunately, most conditions can be successfully treated if you catch them early.  The most common eye problems include: In this article, I’ll explain the eye conditions listed above and describe symptoms, prevention, and treatment. After that, I’ll break down when each … Read more

8 Pit Bull Common Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

Pit Bull is dressed like a doctor

Originally bred for fighting, pit bulls can be loyal and affectionate family protectors, but they’re also predisposed to developing various health conditions. Understanding the common issues that pit bulls face can help you prepare to care for your furbaby if he develops any of these conditions. Just because Pit Bulls are prone to developing these … Read more

7 Boston Terrier Common Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

Boston Terrier is dressed like a doctor

Also known as the “American Gentleman,” Boston Terriers are active, friendly family dogs that can suffer from certain health issues.  Understanding the conditions that commonly affect this breed can help you take the best possible care of your furbaby. You’ll be able to recognize warning signs earlier and seek appropriate treatment. Of course, your gentleman … Read more

6 Lhasa Apso Common Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

Lhasa Apso dressed like a doctor

Known for their long, flowing coats and affectionate, lively personalities, Lhasa Apsos are generally healthy dogs, but they can be susceptible to some particular health conditions. Understanding the potential issues your Tibetan furbaby may face can help you prepare for possible medical and financial needs. In some cases, you may also be able to take … Read more

 6 Toy Poodle Common Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

toy poodle dressed like a doctor

Smart and loyal, Toy Poodles are generally healthy, but careless breeding practices have left the breed vulnerable to developing certain health issues. If you’re thinking about adding a Toy Poodle to your pack, it helps to know about the conditions that commonly affect the breed. That way, you’ll be able to identify issues and seek … Read more

8 Bichon Frise Common Health Issues [+Signs and Prevention]

bichon frise dressed like a doctor

Affectionate, friendly, and playful, Bichon Frises are generally healthy dogs, but they can suffer from certain conditions. It helps to understand potential health issues your Bichon may face before they happen. That way, you can take preventative measures and prepare financially to care for your furbaby if he has any problems. Just because Bichon Frises … Read more