6 Best Liquid Glucosamine Dogs : We Asked a Vet

Liquid Glucosamine for Dogs

Certified content. This guide has been written and verified by our veterinary advisor. Approved By: Dr. Joanna De Klerk, DVM I love my job as a vet. I do a lot of work with old, arthritic dogs, as my specialty is pain management. Unfortunately, with these dogs, their condition cannot be reversed. So, my job … Read more

21 Best Dog Water Dispensers : Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Dog Water Dispenser

With two pups in the house, I’d be filling their drinking bowl several times a day. That’s why I use a dog water dispenser to provide my fur babies with their necessary liquid. But how do you know which one is best for your dog’s needs? To help you decide, we researched a bunch of … Read more

6 Best Cordless Vacuums for Pet Hair (Stick & Handheld Reviews)

The Best Cordless Vacuums for Pet Hair

Show of hands: Who has furballs rolling across their floors like tumbleweeds? Yep, me too. Golden Retrievers are one of my favorite breeds, but the amount of fur they shed is unbelievable.Who here is having trouble finding the best way to clean up all that fur? Well, you’re in luck. I’ve found some solutions for … Read more

CBD Oil for Dogs : What you need to know about CBD Oil ?

CBD Oil for Dogs

Certified content. This guide has been written and verified by our veterinary advisor. Approved By: Dr. Edele Grey, DVM Vets are being asked more and more by clients about cannabidiol (CBD) oil and whether it may help their fur-babies. Given the recent positive publicity of CBD oil in human medicine it’s a natural progression to … Read more

CBD Oil For Dogs with Joint Pain And Arthritis

CBD Oil For Dogs with Joint Pain And Arthritis

Certified content. This guide has been written and verified by our veterinary advisor. Approved By: Dr. Joanna De Klerk, DVM × Dismiss alert I work as a vet. I have a particular interest in companion animal pain management and rehabilitation, and over the past few years, I’ve narrowed down my work to mainly focus on … Read more

First-Aid For Dogs : Prepare For The Unexpected

First-Aid For Dogs

Certified content. This guide has been written and verified by our veterinary advisor. Approved By: Dr. Libby Guise, DVM Your fur baby is an important family member, and you do everything you can to keep them healthy and content. Even with the best of care, your pooch can have an illness or injury that requires … Read more

Essential Oils For Dogs : A Beginner’s Guide

Certified content.​ This guide has been written and verified by our veterinary advisor. Approved By: Dr. Joanna De Klerk. Dr. Joanna De Klerk Photo Credit: https://www.express.co.uk As a vet with a specialty in pain management, I see dogs (and other animals) daily with creaky joints, overtired or compensating muscles, and itchy skin conditions. I am … Read more